My Resumé
Jason Fleshman
- Web Development: HTML, CSS, DHTML, ASP, VBScript, PHP, JavaScript
- Database Design and Programming: SQL, MySQL, SQL Server 7, Oracle 8
- Web Design & Graphic Production: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe ImageReady, Macromedia Fireworks, Microsoft Visual Interdev, Macromedia Dreamweaver
- Programming & Other Software: Visual Basic (VB), AutoCad 2002, Autodesk MapGuide, COM, Empresa eChange
- Platform Familiarities: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Linux, FreeBSD
Work Experience
Web Developer, April 2003-December 2004
Equitable Gas; Pittsburgh, PA (through Tek Systems; Pittsburgh, PA)
- Designed and implemented user interfaces, scripting and database for Web-database interfaces using ASP and Oracle.
- Added new functionality to and improved efficiency of a Web-based mapping system using the MapGuide ActiveX control.
- Created programs in VB to manipulate files for viewing on the Web.
- Created VB applications to import existing data from MS Word into Access and Oracle databases.
- Testing of all Web-DB interfaces as part of QA.
Freelance Web Developer, July 2002-Present
- Created a PHP-based intranet site for use in research applications. System capabilities include:
- User-based permissions to access and administer various areas of the site.
- User administration - adding, editing and deactivating users.
- Ability to add and edit research projects.
- Lab notebooks, including file uploads.
- Designed and implemented user interfaces and databases for client Web sites.
- Created and improved PHP scripts for client Web sites.
- Created HTML, JavaScript and DHTML for client Web site from Flash-based design.
- Registered sites with search engines.
- Testing of all client sites as part of QA.
Webmaster, September 1999-February 2002
Brady Communications, Pittsburgh, PA
- Assisted in the creation of SQL Server- and Access-driven Web sites, using ASP, such as:
- Extranet between the company and several clients. Features include editable multiple user access levels, file upload capability, project commencement and status reports.
- Online bug tracking application. Outstanding features of the system include full, searchable archives and the ability to assign varying priorities to entries.
- Project-tracking database. Allowed Project Managers to see resource assignments and priorities; also had built-in reporting, including status reports and time sheets.
- Administrative sites. Allowed clients to make content changes to sites for items such as press releases, job listings, related resource links and product literature.
- Created effects for Web sites such as animations and DHTML menus that allow full site access at a single click. Created dynamic menus from information stored in a database.
- Took the lead role in preparing to cease the Company's support for out-of-date Web browsers, including a proposed timetable and documentation for the change.
- Developed curriculum for and presented classes internally on the newest Web development technologies, including XML, XSLT, XHTML and CSS.
- Assumed the role of JavaScript lead within the company; acted as a primary contact for Web Developers for JavaScript-related problems and questions.
- Assisted account managers in creating time estimates to be used for billing and deadlines.
- Maintained client Web sites, performed updates and submitted sites to search engines.
- Assisted in graphics production using ImageReady and Fireworks.
Web Site Production, June 1997-September 1999
Biomedical Engineering Program, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
- Redesigned the Program's Web site, created all HTML to work in the modern browsers of the time, and added JavaScript animation effects to modernize the look and feel.
- Worked with the print shop and Data Communications department to resolve problems.
- Optimized all graphics for use in the new site using Photoshop.
Carnegie Mellon University, August 1994-December 1998
5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
B.S. in History and Policy, December 1998.